Resources » Parents & Students

Parents & Students

Summer Reading List
For our first book club of the 24/25 school year, we will read the following:
Classical Education: The Movement Sweeping America, 3rd edition by Gene Edward Veith Jr. and Andrew Kern. This text can be purchased on the Circe Website for $20.00 
Previous Family Summer Reading
School Supplies
All Grades, General School Supplies (to be left at school)
- 3 pack of Clorox Wipes (75 sheets per container minimum)
- 4 pack of facial tissue
- 1 ream of copy paper
- 3 pack of paper towels
- 2 packs of lined 3x5 index cards
- 4 pack of black expo markers
- 4 pack of colored expo markers
2024-25 K-5 School Supplies List
2024-2025 6-12 Classroom School Supplies
Most Lists will be available during Upper Meet the Teacher. The list provided at Meet the Teacher will have supplies stay with your child (they will not be dropped off at school but for student use and will be kept at home, in lockers, or in backpacks as needed for class).
*Note for 8th - 12th Grades*
In 8th grade and on, math classes will require a TI-84 Plus calculator. This is an expensive item, please keep an eye out for sales. They are rarely re-sold and they are also used for college math after graduation.
A-Z Index

Notice is hereby given that the Founders Classical Academy of Corinth intends to destroy the records of all students who exited its Special Education Program during the 2017/2018 school year.


In accordance with state laws, records are maintained for five years after the student exits the Special Education Program.  These records will be destroyed unless an eligible parent/guardian or adult student notifies the school otherwise.  Records not requested by 4:00 PM (CT) on October 11/2024, will be destroyed.  With proof of identity, the eligible parent/guardian or adult student may request a copy of the records.


Written requests for records scheduled for destruction must include the following information:

  • Student’s full legal name
  • Student’s date of birth
  • Date services ended
  • Name and relationship of the person requesting copies
  • Statement indicating that there is no legal action against you that prohibits your rights to the records
  • Mailing address/Email address to which the copies should be sent, or
  • Contact information (phone number, email address) for notification when the records are ready to be picked up